Monday, November 28, 2011


I am kinda excited about a couple things.

#1 is Alexz Johnson's new single "Skipping Stone" and her new website design (
On her site is news of the release of her new EP, which is named "Skipping Stone" to our knowledge and the a preview to the much anticipated "Skipping Stone" music video, directed by Jessica Earnshaw ( The preview of the music video and download link are below, but make sure to check out the new's pretty amazing.

#2 is a new single by iSH's new single, "Dreamer", that is a remix of a remix. It is pretty should check it out. There is also news of this song being released on his new (second) mixtape, called "Long Days, Short Nights", which I am super excited about. Just go and download it, you know you want too...listen below, follow the download link to download. Make sure to pass it on if you like it and/or know of someone who would/does. Also, make sure to check his first one, "The Name Is Ish", it is awesome.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

I know it's early, but we have decorated our house for Christmas.

The Happy Holidays banner coming up our stairs

The "Mantle"

The dining room chandelier I designed and my mom helped me decorate

Window display part 1

Window display part 2

Yes, I even got the bathroom in on the festivities...

The finished living room, which looks awesome if I do say so myself...

and we aren't done yet :)

My dog Ginny likes to sleep under the tree like a present.