Ok, so this weekend was amazing! I was at the Live Green Festival in Toronto! I got to see Alexz Johnson! That totally made my life. She is super nice and put on an amazing show! I got her to sign a picture for me and my Voodoo t-shirt. Stephen Stohn was there too. I didn't get to talk to him but I saw him! I also got to meet Cory Lee. She is super nice and made my photo all happy. (Her words, not mine, but much love to her!!!!). I got a picture with Kristin Fairlie, the girl who plays Megan on Instant Star...Cory told us that Kristin played crazy and that she did too. That was funny. Then we met ISH. He was super cool and when we met him afterwards we got an autograph, promo cd and a picture. He told us that he liked our accents. We also got to meet his mom. This whole weekend was amazing!
Alexz sang:
A Little Bit
LA Made Me
I Just Wanted Your Love
ISH sang:
The Names Ish
Hustle To Be Free
Brick By Brick
Trippin On My Words
This Goes Out
Tonight's The Night feat Cory Lee
Fallin in Love With You feat Cory Lee
It was an amazing show!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Today is the day!
So today I am flying to Toronto for the Live Green Festival. I finally get to see the wonderful Alexz Johnson live in concert. I have been waiting for this day for years. I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I am going to see iSH and Cory Lee. I am jumping up and down inside...only because it would probably be a little inappropriate to do it where I am now. Usually that doesn't stop me, but it might today...at least until I get to the airport...lol I will so update you when I get there!
Monday, August 16, 2010
I don't have a title for this one...
I am back from my trip and I feel kinda out of whack. You know, like when you have a routine and it gets off course...I need to get back in the mode. I am working on it though. I am just jumping right into it and forcing myself to get it back. Meanwhile, I feel like I am wearing a skin shirt. Kinda gross I know, but my sunburn is peeling and full of heat bumps. At least it didn't blister.
I almost finished the book I started while I was on vacation. I only have a few chapters left, then it's on to Hunger Games and Catching Fire. Writing is also something I need to get back on. I started the next chapter of RR, but haven't finished it. WSF is still in my head somewhere.
I really need to go to bed...I am so tired...
But in other news...I got the CD of Candace Charee. You should totally check it out. It is really good.
I am thinking about what I should bring to Toronto in a couple of weeks. I want Alexz to autograph something...I am thinking my guitar. That would be freaking amazing. Maybe. I don't really wanna check it though. Maybe my Voodoo shirt or cd, but those are all too common things...maybe my iPod or Mac or something like that. I need to think of something for iSH to sign too. I wonder if Cory will be around...that would be amazing too. I <3 her too. She is gonna be at a thing in Toronto that day too, maybe we could get to that as well. Wow...I am super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
I watched IS3&4 deleted scenes and bloopers...AMAZING<3 I love them.
Good Night All <3
I almost finished the book I started while I was on vacation. I only have a few chapters left, then it's on to Hunger Games and Catching Fire. Writing is also something I need to get back on. I started the next chapter of RR, but haven't finished it. WSF is still in my head somewhere.
I really need to go to bed...I am so tired...
But in other news...I got the CD of Candace Charee. You should totally check it out. It is really good.
I am thinking about what I should bring to Toronto in a couple of weeks. I want Alexz to autograph something...I am thinking my guitar. That would be freaking amazing. Maybe. I don't really wanna check it though. Maybe my Voodoo shirt or cd, but those are all too common things...maybe my iPod or Mac or something like that. I need to think of something for iSH to sign too. I wonder if Cory will be around...that would be amazing too. I <3 her too. She is gonna be at a thing in Toronto that day too, maybe we could get to that as well. Wow...I am super excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
I watched IS3&4 deleted scenes and bloopers...AMAZING<3 I love them.
Good Night All <3
Kenora...day four and the morning that we leave.
Sorry it's a little late, we had a storm come in and knock out the internet.
Day four...kind of the bummer day of the week, but it was still fun. We took a super fast boat ride to Smith Lake and Emerald Lake. We hiked the up hill trail to the lake. I liked this hike better than the Fox Lake one just because it wasn't as muddy. It was harder, but I didn't almost lose my shoes. When we got to the boats, neither of the motors worked...the guy that tok us there tried to fix them, but ended up hurting his back. Mike helped him get the motor back to the big boat so it could be fixed and we could get a new one. We sat there for a while, waiting for the other guy to bring us good motors. When he got there he told us that someone had put water in the motors and that's why they didn't work. So, it was kind of an easy fix. But seriously, what kind of dumbass would put water in the motors? I know people like to mess with this place's shit, but really. WHY?! Well, we trolled around for a while and didn't get anything, so we went through the beaver dam creek to Emerald Lake. That was fun, especially getting through the beaver dam part. All the logs that could take out our motor and all...needless to say, we rowed and drifted our way through it. I only caught one fish today. That kinda sucked, but whatever. Mom and I went back to the other lake after lunch and trolled around. Mike and Grandpa stayed on Emerald. It started to rain so Mom and I went on shore and sat under some trees to wait it out. After two rounds of rain we got back in the boat and met up with Grandpa and Mike and fished for a little while longer before going in and hauling all our stuff back up the trail and down to the big boat. The boat ride back was fun and fast.
The morning we left was rainy but good. We were out by nine am and heading back into town. The boat ride was super bumpy and really fast. The lake was really choppy because of the storm. We were bouncing all over the place. Once we got to shore we loaded up the van and headed out. It was two hours to INternational Falls then four hours to Duluth, where we hung out for a while and ate supper, put the fishing stuff back in the camper, and tried to fix my tire. After that we drove the two and a half hours home. It was a long day.
ONe think I kind of got a kick out of was the town we stopped in for a bathroom and snacks. It was called Emo. Nice, little town with nice people.
Day four...kind of the bummer day of the week, but it was still fun. We took a super fast boat ride to Smith Lake and Emerald Lake. We hiked the up hill trail to the lake. I liked this hike better than the Fox Lake one just because it wasn't as muddy. It was harder, but I didn't almost lose my shoes. When we got to the boats, neither of the motors worked...the guy that tok us there tried to fix them, but ended up hurting his back. Mike helped him get the motor back to the big boat so it could be fixed and we could get a new one. We sat there for a while, waiting for the other guy to bring us good motors. When he got there he told us that someone had put water in the motors and that's why they didn't work. So, it was kind of an easy fix. But seriously, what kind of dumbass would put water in the motors? I know people like to mess with this place's shit, but really. WHY?! Well, we trolled around for a while and didn't get anything, so we went through the beaver dam creek to Emerald Lake. That was fun, especially getting through the beaver dam part. All the logs that could take out our motor and all...needless to say, we rowed and drifted our way through it. I only caught one fish today. That kinda sucked, but whatever. Mom and I went back to the other lake after lunch and trolled around. Mike and Grandpa stayed on Emerald. It started to rain so Mom and I went on shore and sat under some trees to wait it out. After two rounds of rain we got back in the boat and met up with Grandpa and Mike and fished for a little while longer before going in and hauling all our stuff back up the trail and down to the big boat. The boat ride back was fun and fast.
The morning we left was rainy but good. We were out by nine am and heading back into town. The boat ride was super bumpy and really fast. The lake was really choppy because of the storm. We were bouncing all over the place. Once we got to shore we loaded up the van and headed out. It was two hours to INternational Falls then four hours to Duluth, where we hung out for a while and ate supper, put the fishing stuff back in the camper, and tried to fix my tire. After that we drove the two and a half hours home. It was a long day.
ONe think I kind of got a kick out of was the town we stopped in for a bathroom and snacks. It was called Emo. Nice, little town with nice people.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Kenora...day three
Today we took a twenty minute speed boat ride to the smaller lake, Fox. We got dropped off at the dock and portaged to Fox. We hiked a super muddy path. The mud was enough to take your shoes off. My feet were soaked and muddy before I got even halfway up the trail. We had to make a couple trips to get all our stuff down to the landing. The guys took off in there boat and Mom and I took off in ours. They got a head start because Mom and I were washing our shoes, but a few minutes later we heard them hollering because their motor died. We laughed at them and then tied their boat to ours and towed them along. Not long after Mom and Mike switched places so him and I shared a boat and Mom and Grandpa shared one. We trolled around and went mostly bass fishing. We caught some notherns too. A huge bass snapped my like. You know how I know it was huge??? It snapped my twenty pound test. I lost my snap, leader, jelly, and my bait. I was pissed. I was like "You asshole SOB!" Everyone was laughing at me. Mom traded poles with me so I could try and catch him while she fixed my pole. I caught a good sized one but I don't think it was the one. We went towards the landing Grandpa caught another good sized bass. It fought like none other because it was on the bottom and full of weeds. At the landing it was my job to pull the boat in, so I did and then unloaded them. After we chained them up, we organized everything and hauled it all in one load. The trail was easier the third time around but I still slipped in the mud, just not as bad. So, needless to say I had to rewash my shoes and feet before we got in the main boat to go back to the lodge. I ended up just throwing my sock away when we got back to the cabin, they were so muddy I didn't want to try and salvage them. The boat ride back was fast and fun. My sunburn is sore from sitting in the heat and my arms are sore, but it's still fun and that's all that counts. Today I caught like five bass, Mom caught twelve fish, Grandpa caught seventeen, and Mike caught about seven.
Today we took a twenty minute speed boat ride to the smaller lake, Fox. We got dropped off at the dock and portaged to Fox. We hiked a super muddy path. The mud was enough to take your shoes off. My feet were soaked and muddy before I got even halfway up the trail. We had to make a couple trips to get all our stuff down to the landing. The guys took off in there boat and Mom and I took off in ours. They got a head start because Mom and I were washing our shoes, but a few minutes later we heard them hollering because their motor died. We laughed at them and then tied their boat to ours and towed them along. Not long after Mom and Mike switched places so him and I shared a boat and Mom and Grandpa shared one. We trolled around and went mostly bass fishing. We caught some notherns too. A huge bass snapped my like. You know how I know it was huge??? It snapped my twenty pound test. I lost my snap, leader, jelly, and my bait. I was pissed. I was like "You asshole SOB!" Everyone was laughing at me. Mom traded poles with me so I could try and catch him while she fixed my pole. I caught a good sized one but I don't think it was the one. We went towards the landing Grandpa caught another good sized bass. It fought like none other because it was on the bottom and full of weeds. At the landing it was my job to pull the boat in, so I did and then unloaded them. After we chained them up, we organized everything and hauled it all in one load. The trail was easier the third time around but I still slipped in the mud, just not as bad. So, needless to say I had to rewash my shoes and feet before we got in the main boat to go back to the lodge. I ended up just throwing my sock away when we got back to the cabin, they were so muddy I didn't want to try and salvage them. The boat ride back was fast and fun. My sunburn is sore from sitting in the heat and my arms are sore, but it's still fun and that's all that counts. Today I caught like five bass, Mom caught twelve fish, Grandpa caught seventeen, and Mike caught about seven.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Kenora...day two

Hey all! I am back for the second installment of this trip update.
We left the cabin around 8-9am and went fishing around the big lake (Lake of the Woods). Since Grandpa was my fishing partner for the day we hopped into the boat and trolled around until we saw some fish on the fish finder/GPS thing. Every time we saw some we would stop and drop a line in. We usually didn't get a bite. We went around and dropped a line in a few places. I got a couple good strikes, one under an evergreen and another just out a bit farther. Grandpa caught a small mouth bass. After a few minutes of nothing we went around the bend and found a kick ass spot. I caught a couple walleye and whatever a sorgen (sp) is. Grandpa caught eleven fish in that spot total. Mostly they were smaller walleye/sorgen that ranged from just under a pound to about four pounds. One perch and one crayfish was caught too. Mom and Mike didn't come by us because we are too awesome. Mike caught a lot by where they were though. They did come by us and didn't catch much. Mainly because we are that awesome. Later we trolled around and stopped a few times, but didn't catch anything. We met up with Mom and Mike and had lunch. The seagulls pretty much freaking attacked us for our bread and chips...lol. We were praying we didn't get shit on...lol. To get rid of them Mike casted out his fishing pole and they scattered. It was hilarious. All the squawking and freaking...hilarious. After that Grandpa and I wend down the shore and decided to go back to the rock wall that we were at. He caught more fish and a while later we drove around looking for another spot. We didn't find one but we met up with Mom and Mike again and we went back to our spot. Mike went back to the cabin and Mom came with us. She and Grandpa caught big fish then...mostly they were twenty inches. I caught a couple smaller ones. It was awesome.
While we were out Grandpa taught me a few things and I got good at putting leeches on my hook (they didn't fall off...YAY). I also got burnt as hell. Not fun, but at least I'll have a wicked tan...I'll be more tan than Donna...hahahahaha.
Anyways...We came back and had fish fry for dinner at the main lodge. People were commenting on how burnt I am...
Everyone here is so nice and respectful. It's nice to be able to go somewhere where the people are considerate and help you with anything. Also the people on the lake are friendly and actually slow down when they are passing you so they don't flood your boat. Wish every place was like it.
Well talk to ya'll later...I am gonna go try to make my sunburn stop stinging...lol

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Kenora...day one
I am in Canada!!!!! I am in Kenora for my fishing trip. Three days, Four nights of fun! A total of three hundred and forty something miles, or ten hours. I am so excited to be here. I will have pictures and updates as the days goes on. The lake is so beautiful and so is the surroundings. Peaceful is just what we need. We had lasagna, salad, and blueberry crisp for dinner at the main lodge. Tomorrow after breakfast we are probably going to portage to Fox Lake or a smaller lake off Lake of the Woods (Canada side...not home side...). I am hoping to catch a huge ass bass. Bass fishing is my favorite. I'll let you know how it goes...so night for now.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
let's go to walmart...
My friend, Rachel, and I went to Walmart today and walked around for two hours...kinda lame sounding I know, but we spent like an hour looking for those battery operated mini fan thingers. We kinda felt like morons because we walked past the regular fans and didn't even see em. When we saw em we found the mini fans. lol wow...i know right. But Rachel had fun looking at all the hunting and fishing stuff that was there that California doesn't have. It was kinda funny.
After that, Rachel and I watched so weird. We were gonna watch Instant Star, but we ended up watching so weird. It was cool to watch it with someone that gets it. It was fun. And I continue to watch it right now. I totally fixed my iPod and iTunes today too. I am so excited that everything is almost back to normal with it.
I also bought The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. One of my friends recommended it and I thought what the hell, why not. So I picked em up at B&N.
Krystl and I went to Bville Center and went shopping. We walked around the dollar store and I found a huge spoon that I dubbed my new huge ass cereal spoon and then on the way out we walked through JCP and I found the coolest thing...a sock monkey hat and gloves. They also had panda ones and a cat one. They were uber cool.
I met back up with Donna and Rachel and I got my nails did...by Donna, but they were still cool.
After that, Rachel and I watched so weird. We were gonna watch Instant Star, but we ended up watching so weird. It was cool to watch it with someone that gets it. It was fun. And I continue to watch it right now. I totally fixed my iPod and iTunes today too. I am so excited that everything is almost back to normal with it.
I also bought The Hunger Games and Catching Fire. One of my friends recommended it and I thought what the hell, why not. So I picked em up at B&N.
Krystl and I went to Bville Center and went shopping. We walked around the dollar store and I found a huge spoon that I dubbed my new huge ass cereal spoon and then on the way out we walked through JCP and I found the coolest thing...a sock monkey hat and gloves. They also had panda ones and a cat one. They were uber cool.
I met back up with Donna and Rachel and I got my nails did...by Donna, but they were still cool.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Instant Star and Breakfast Burritos...
Here I am this morning making some eggs for a breakfast burrito...and got to thinking...this reminds me of Instant Star. The episode where Karma is freaking out on Speed because she wanted scrambled eggs...not omelet-yed...lol I tried to flip it in the pan. It didn't work. It wouldn't flip over. It just kept landing in the pan. I guess I didn't scoop the pan enough. lol
Monday, August 2, 2010
The doorbell rings...
So, I am watching Instant Star...the best show EVER! I'm on season two...I am waiting for season four, which is on delayed shipping for whatever reason. It is driving me nuts. But I did get White Collar season one in the mail today, which made me very excited! Also, I got the Reefer Madness soundtrack. That musical is hilarious. Plus...Alexz Johnson is an arc angel in it. You can get it on Netflix if you want to see it.
I need to fix my iPod...well, at least the music on it. Some of my songs just cut off and some didn't show up at all. Am I the only one that finds that utterly annoying??? It drives me nuts...I will probably fix it tomorrow.
I need to fix my iPod...well, at least the music on it. Some of my songs just cut off and some didn't show up at all. Am I the only one that finds that utterly annoying??? It drives me nuts...I will probably fix it tomorrow.
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